#004: Ten tips to simplify the transition to a plant-based diet

Ever wonder how to transition to a plant-based diet, but don’t know where to start?

Are you struggling to eat more plants and less meat? What if I told you that there are simple things you can do right now to get started?

In episode 004 of More Plants Made Easy, I share my top ten tips (plus one bonus tip that popped into my head) for how to eat more plants.

Ten ways to simplify the transition to a plant-based diet

These tips will transform how you transition to a plant-based diet because they are simple and actionable. 

Start a plant-forward food journal: record your meals for a week or a month to track your progress and take note of your challenges and successes.

Eat more plant-based foods you already like: you may find that you are already eating a lot of plant-based foods or you may be able to make simple swaps to make a meal plant-based.

Understand how to build balanced plant-forward meals. You don’t want to be hungry! Learn how to build a meal balanced with fat, fiber, protein and carbs to keep you full.

Treasure plant-forward and plant-based recipes: building up a good database of recipes or at least plant-based meal ideas will keep things easy in the kitchen

Maintain a well-stocked plant-based pantry: make sure you have plant-based foods on hand so you can whip a quick meal or snack. 

Embrace convenience foods: there is no shame in using processed foods like frozen veggies, instant rice and canned beans. 

Build a meal plan: I’ll be honest. I don’t love meal planning. But I have a great system that I’ve perfected over the years that I share with my clients.

Learn about plant-based marketing: there’s a lot of buzz words around plant-based foods. Learn what labels matter for your health and which ones are just fluff.

Go gradually: you don’t have to go from steak to tempeh overnight. You don’t even have to abandon steak altogether. Focus on smaller portions of meat, not complete elimination.

Learn to be a better cook: you don’t have to make fancy meals or have expensive tools or a big kitchen to be a good cook. You just need to know how to build flavor and stay organized.

Find a plant-based buddy: if you have a friend or a family member that is interested in eating more plants, consider swapping recipe ideas or sharing cookbooks!

Ok, so I gave you a bonus tip. 🙂

a list of 10 ways to simplify the switch to a plant based diet

Resources mentioned:

  • Follow me on Instagram gozzi_nutrition
  • Remember to share, rate and review this podcast
  • Learn more about my plant-forward nutrition coaching program here.
  • Grab your free copy of Plant Forward Meal Prep Made Easy here

Your call to action: pick one tip and start today! Share your progress on social media and tag me!

Disclaimer: the content from this podcast is not medical nutrition therapy. It is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute or replacement for medical care. If you are seeking individualized nutrition care, contact a dietitian or physician in your area.

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